
Posted by : Unknown Apr 20, 2013

Structure Deck 25 - Thundering Descent of the Blue-Eyed Dragon

Release: 15th June 2013
Price: 1050 Yen (incl. tax)

- 41 Cards (number of new cards unknown)
- Rulebook
- Playing Guide
- Duel Field

- Deck revolves around "Blue Eyes White Dragon".
- Cards are increased to 41 (2 Ultra Rare, 2 Super Rare).
- Also includes many reprints.

Blue-Eyed Maiden 「青き眼の乙女」
LIGHT/Spellcaster - Tuner/1/0/0
You can activate this effect when this card is selected as attack target. Negate that attack, and change this card's Battle Position. Afterwards, you can select and Special Summon 1 "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" from your hand, Deck or Graveyard. Also, you can activate this effect when this face-up card on the field becomes the target of a card effect. Select and Special Summon 1 "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" from your hand, Deck or Graveyard. You can only use 1 effect of "Blue-Eyed Maiden" per turn.
SD25-JP005 Blue-Eyed Maiden

Guard of the Storm Dragon 「暴風竜の防人」
LIGHT/Dragon - Tuner/1/500/200
During your Main Phase, you can equip this Monster that you control or in your hand to a Dragon-Type Normal Monster you control as Equip Card. While this card is equipped to a Monster as Equip Card, when the equipped Monster attacks a Denfese Position Monster, and its ATK exceeds that Monster's DEF, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points. Also, if the equipped Monster would be destroyed, you can destroy this card instead.
SD25-JP006 Guard of the Storm Dragon

Dragon's Mausoleum 「竜の霊廟」
Normal Magic Card
Send 1 Dragon-Type Monster from your Deck to the Graveyard. If that Monster sent to the Graveyard was a Dragon-Type Normal Monster, you can send 1 more Dragon-Type Monster from your Deck to the Graveyard. The effect of "Dragon's Mausoleum" can only be activated once per turn.
SD25-JP020 Dragon's Mausoleum

Thunderous Roar of the Silver Dragon 「銀龍の轟咆」
Quick-Play Magic Card
Select 1 Dragon-Type Normal Monster in your Graveyard and Special Summon it. Only 1 "Thunderous Roar of the Silver Dragon" can be activated per turn.
SD25-JP021 Thunderous Roar of the Silver Dragon

Castle of Dragon Souls「竜魂の城」
Continuous Trap Card
Once per turn, you can activate this effect by removing from play 1 Dragon-Type Monster in your Graveyard, and selecting 1 Monster you control. The selected Monster gains 700 ATK until the End Phase. Also, when this face-up card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon 1 of your removed from play Dragon-Type Monster. You can control only 1 face-up "Castle of Dragon Souls" at the same time.
SD25-JP036 Castle of Dragon Souls

Blue-Eyes Silver Dragon 「蒼眼の銀龍」
LIGHT/Dragon - Synchro - Effect/9/2500/3000
Tuner + 1 or more Non-Tuner Normal Monster
Activate this effect when this card is successfully Special Summoned. Until the End of the next turn, Dragon-Type Monster you control cannot become the target of or destroyed by card effects. Also, once per turn, you can activate this effect during your Standby Phase. Select 1 Normal Monster in your Graveyard and Special Summon it.
Ultra Rare
SD25-JP040 Blue-Eyes Silver Dragon


SD25-JP001 Blue-Eyes White Dragon 「青眼の白龍」 Tablet Version [Ultra Rare]
SD25-JP002 「」
SD25-JP003 Alexandrite Dragon 「アレキサンドライドラゴン」
SD25-JP004 Guard of Fembell 「ガード・オブ・フレムベル」
SD25-JP007 Darkstorm Dragon 「ダークストーム・ドラゴン」
SD25-JP008 「」
SD25-JP009 「」
SD25-JP010 Divine Dragon Apocalypse 「神竜 アポカリプス」
SD25-JP011 Hard Armed Dragon 「ハードアームドラゴン」
SD25-JP012 The White Stone of Legend 「伝説の白石」
SD25-JP013 Kaibaman 「正義の味方 カイバーマン」
SD25-JP014 Herald of Creation 「創世の預言者」
SD25-JP015 Kaiser Seahorse 「カイザー・シーホース」
SD25-JP016 Honest 「オネスト」
SD25-JP017 Shining Angel 「シャインエンジェル」x2
SD25-JP018 Maxx C 「増殖するG」
SD25-JP019 Level Eater 「レベル・スティーラー」
SD25-JP022 Burst Stream of Destruction 「滅びの爆裂疾風弾」
SD25-JP023 Dragon Canyon 「竜の渓谷」
SD25-JP024 Terraforming 「テラ・フォーミング」
SD25-JP025 A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon 「巨竜の羽ばたき」
SD25-JP026 Trade In 「トレード・イン」
SD25-JP027 Cards of Consonance 「調和の宝札」
SD25-JP028 White Elephant's Gift 「馬の骨の対価」
SD25-JP029 Symbols of Duty 「戦線復活の代償」
SD25-JP030 One for One 「ワン・フォー・ワン」
SD25-JP031 Monster Reborn 「死者蘇生」
SD25-JP032 Soul Exchange 「クロス・ソウル」
SD25-JP033 Enemy Controller 「エネミーコントローラー」
SD25-JP035 Daemon's Chain 「デモンズ・チェーン」
SD25-JP036 Kunai with Chain 「鎖付きブーメラン」
SD25-JP037 Damage Condenser 「ダメージ・コンデンサー」
SD25-JP038 Call of the Haunted 「リビングデッドの呼び声」
SD25-JP039 Ruler's Penetrating Gaze 「王者の看破」

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