
Posted by : Unknown Jun 29, 2012

In Return of the Duelist, players will be kept busy as they scramble to get all the cards for 6 new Deck themes. Duelists will also want to get their hands on the first of a new series of elemental boss monsters. Nostalgic fans and players will also want to get the new cards from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX featured in Return of the Duelist that can combo with cards and themes found in the Ra Yellow Mega-Pack. Cards from Return of the Duelist will boost Decks when combined with cards in Order of Chaos and Abyss Rising (coming in November).

Return of the Duelist contains 100 cards:

48 Common Cards
20 Rare Cards
14 Super Rare Cards
10 Ultra Rare Cards
8 Secret Rare Cards

Release: 28th August 2012

REDU-EN011 Chronomaly Golden Jet
REDU-EN011 Chronomaly Golden Jet

REDU-EN013 Chronomaly Crystal Skull
REDU-EN013 Chronomaly Crystal Skull

REDU-EN016 Amores of Prophecy
REDU-EN017 Temperance of Prophecy
REDU-EN018 Strength of Prophecy
REDU-EN020 High Priestess of Prophecy

REDU-EN026 Madolche Puddingcess
Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare
REDU-EN026 Madolche Puddingcess

REDU-EN027 Geargiano Mk-II
REDU-EN027 Geargiano Mk-II

REDU-EN028 Geargiaccelerator
REDU-EN028 Geargiaccelerator

REDU-EN029 Geargiarsenal
REDU-EN029 Geargiarsenal

REDU-EN030 Geargiarmor
REDU-EN030 Geargiarmor

REDU-EN043 Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech
Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare
REDU-EN043 Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech

REDU-EN044 Superdimensional Robot Galaxy Destroyer
Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare
REDU-EN044 Superdimensional Robot Galaxy Destroyer

REDU-EN046 Gear Gigant X
REDU-EN044 Gear Gigant X

REDU-EN057 Spellbook of Secrets
Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare

REDU-EN058 Spellbook of Power
REDU-EN059 Spellbook of Life

REDU-EN061 Madolche Chateaux
REDU-EN061 Madolche Chateaux

REDU-EN088 Advance Zone
Continuous Spell Card
{This Continuous Spell Card rewards you for Tributing, based on the number of monsters you Tributed for Tribute Summons this turn.
If you Tributed one monster, you can destroy a Set card of your opponent’s.
If you Tributed two monsters, you get the first effect AND you draw a card.
If you Tributed three monsters, you get the previous two effects AND return a monster from your Graveyard to your hand.}
REDU-EN088 Advance Zone

REDU-EN092 Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandos
LIGHT/Machine - Xyz - Effect/Rank 6/2600/3000
2 Level 6 monsters
//wording for the TCG effect may differ
When this card is successfully Xyz Summoned, select 1 "Number" Monster in your Graveyard and equip it to this card as Equip Card. This card gains ATK equal to half the ATK of the monster equipped by this card's effect. Also once per turn, you can activate this effect by removing 1 Xyz Material from this card and sending 1 card equipped by this card's effect to the Graveyard. Halve your opponent's Life Points. During the turn you activated this effect, you cannot perform your Battle Phase.
REDU-EN092 Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandos

REDU-EN093 Miracle Contact
Normal Spell Card
//wording for the TCG effect may differ
Return to the owner's deck, from your hand, field or Graveyard, Fusion Material Monsters that are listed on an "Elemental HERO" Fusion Monster Card that has "Elemental HERO Neos" as Fusion Material Monster, and Special Summon that 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck ignoring the Summoning Conditions it has.
REDU-EN093 Miracle Contact

REDU-EN094 Advanced Dark
Field Spell Card
//wording for the TCG effect may differ
The Attribute of all "Gem Beast" Monster on the field as well as in the Graveyard(s) is treated as DARK. Also, if a "Rainbow Dragon" Monster attacks, negate the effect of the Monster selected as attack target for the duration of the Battle Phase. During the Damage Calculation of a Battle involving a "Gem Beast" Monster you control, you can send 1 "Gem Beast" Monster from your Deck to the Graveyard to have the Battle Damage to your Life Points as a result of that Battle become 0.
REDU-EN094 Advanced Dark

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