
Posted by : Unknown Jun 23, 2010

There are some things that a lot of Duelists believe, even though they’re not true. By identifying and obliterating these fallacies, a Duelist can greatly improve his game. Check out some of the most common misconceptions among Duelists.
Every Deck has only 1 goal, which it must reach to win.
This is simply untrue. Many Decks have a main purpose that can secure a victory. Infernity Decks, for example can start a game-ending combo with Infernity Launcher. Gladiator Beasts can Summon Gladiator Beast Heraklinos and Set Gladiator Beast War Chariot face-down to lock the opponent out of the Duel. But there are other ways for these Decks to win too!
Infernity Decks are capable of winning a Duel without an OTK combo, and Gladiator Beast Decks can win a lot of games without Summoning Heraklinos. In many Duels, you’ll find yourself unable to achieve your Deck’s main purpose. But that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to win!
If I see that my opponent can win next turn, I should concede.
A lot of Duelists concede whenever they think their opponents will defeat them on the next turn. This isn’t a good idea. Even if you see that your opponent can beat you, your opponent may not see it! You know all of your own cards, but your opponent doesn’t. Even if you know you don’t have Mirror Force or Torrential Tribute, you can still try to bluff it. A lot of times, Duelists concede even when they would be able to survive another turn. Surrendering is a bad habit to get into.
Decks should bring out boss monsters as quickly as possible.
A lot of Duelists aim to get out their boss monsters as fast as possible. X-Saber Duelists may rush into XX-Saber Gottoms, Gladiator Beast Duelists may bring out Gladiator Beast Heraklinos early, and Machina Duelists may Special Summon Machina Fortress as fast as possible. This is usually a bad strategy.
If you can’t protect your boss monster from your opponent’s cards, you’ll be left in a bad position when your opponent destroys it. Bring out your Deck’s strongest monsters when you can use them to their fullest potential. This doesn’t always mean you should Summon them when given the first opportunity to do so.
I shouldn’t run more than 1 copy of any card.
Some Duelists believe that running more than 1 copy of a card in their Deck is a bad idea, because it means they may draw 2 of them in their opening hand. But sometimes, that’s the risk you need to take to make sure you draw the card at all! There’s only a small chance you’ll open up with multiple copies of a card in your hand, but running more than 1 copy will greatly improve your chances of starting off with at least 1. If you really want to start with a specific card in your opening hand, don’t be afraid to play 2 or 3 copies.
I shouldn’t play cards that aren’t in my theme.
Just because a monster doesn’t have “Blackwing” in its name, doesn’t mean it doesn’t belong in a Blackwing Deck, and just because a monster doesn’t have “X-Saber” in its name, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t go in an X-Saber Deck. Since all Blackwings are DARK, Dark Armed Dragon is a natural fit in Blackwing Decks, even though it isn’t a Blackwing.
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness is a powerful card that can swing a Duel and fits into X-Saber Decks, even though it isn’t an X-Saber. Thunder King Rai-Oh is also a strong card that weakens some of the best Decks in the game, including X-Sabers and Infernities. It can be played effectively in just about any Deck, even though it doesn’t fit a specific theme. Don’t be afraid to look outside of your theme’s specific cards when constructing your Deck.

You can make room for lots of awesome cards in several different Decks.

It’s always better to be cautious than aggressive.
A lot of Duelists know the importance of holding back their monsters in case the opponent hasMirror Force or Torrential Tribute. Unfortunately, this fear has caused many Duelists to become way too cautious. Sometimes, your opponent may have a monster you really need to get off the field. For example, it can be dangerous to leave your opponent with a Gladiator Beast, since he can use it to Fusion Summon Gladiator Beast Gyzarus on his next turn.
Many times, it pays to Summon a second monster in order to improve your chances of attacking over your opponent’s monster. A simple Dimensional Prison, which Duelists are allowed to run 3 copies of, can ruin your Battle Phase and protect your opponent’s monster if you only have one attacker. But if you Summon a second monster to the field, most opponents will need their single copy of Mirror Force to take down both of your monsters.
Just because it’s sometimes better to hold back on Summoning and attacking with monsters, doesn’t mean it always is. Measure each situation. Then decide whether or not you should take the risk of Summoning another monster in order to improve your chances of clearing your opponent’s field.
Since all other Duelists are playing this card in their Decks, it must be necessary.
Many times, Duelists look to other players’ Decklists for ideas when building their own Decks. Unfortunately, this sometimes leads to players using certain cards in their Decks, even when it isn’t necessary. Dark Grepher, for instance, is a bad card to draw when you have no hand, since it can’t activate its effect. In spite of that, it’s still being played in just about every Infernity Deck.
Lots of Infernity Duelists at the YCS in Chantilly drew Dark Grepher when they couldn’t use it. It lost them the Duel. It’s a good idea to think about each of your card choices individually instead of simply using the cards that everyone else is playing.
It’s important to question some of the ideas that have become commonly accepted among players. Carefully think about your plays and the card choices for your Deck instead of just following so-called “conventional wisdom,” and you’ll become a better Duelist in no time!

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