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- Yu-Gi-Oh! Collectors Pack Duelist of Destiny update
Posted by : Unknown
Apr 4, 2015
Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG - Collectors Pack Duelist of Destiny
Release: 16th May 2015
Price: 143 Yen (excl. tax)
45 cards in total, 5 cards per pack:
4 Ultra Rare
5 Super Rare
10 Rare
26 Common
(Ultra and Super Rare also possible as Collectors Rare)
CPD1-JP001 Combined Divine Dragon, Timaeus 「合神竜ティマイオス」
LIGHT/Warrior - Fusion - Effect/10/?/?
"Legendary Knight Timaeus" + "Legendary Knight Critias" + "Legendary Knight Hermos"
This card cannot be Special Summoned except by sending the cards mentioned above you control to the Graveyard ("Fusion" is not used). ①: This card is unaffected by other card effects. ②: You can activate this effect during Damage Calculation when this card battles. This card's ATK and DEF become equal to the ATK of the Monster with the highest ATK on the field. ③: You can activate this effect if this card is destroyed by battle. Select 3 "Legendary Knight" Monster from your hand, Deck or Graveyard, and Special Summon them ignoring any Summon Conditions they have.
Ultra Rare

CPD1-JP002 Legendary Knight Critias 「伝説の騎士 クリティウス」
LIGHT/Warrior - Effect/8/2800/1800
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Legend of Heart". ①: When this card is successfully Special Summoned, you can activate this effect by targeting 1 face-up Magic or Trap Card on the field. Remove that face-up Magic or Trap Card from play. ②: When this card is selected as attack target, you can activate this effect by targeting 1 Trap Card in your Graveyard. Set that card to your field. The card set by this effect can be activated during the turn it was set.
Ultra Rare

CPD1-JP006 The Fang of Critias 「クリティウスの牙」
Normal Magic Card
(This card is always treated as "Legendary Dragon Critias"). You can activate only 1 "The Fang of Critias" per turn. ①: Send to the Graveyard from your hand or field, 1 Trap Card that is listed on a Fusion Monster that cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "The Fang of Critias" (if that card is set, reveal it). Afterwards, Special Summon that 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck.
Super Rare

CPD1-JP008 Legendary Knight Hermos 「伝説の騎士 ヘルモス」
LIGHT/Warrior - Effect/8/2800/1800
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Legend of Heart". ①: When this card is successfully Special Summoned, you can activate this effect by targeting 1 face-up Magic or Trap Card. Remove that face-up Magic or Trap Card from play. ②: Once per turn, when this card is selected as attack target, you can activate this effect by targeting 1 Effect Monster in your Graveyard. Until the End Phase of your next turn, this card's name becomes the name of the Monster in your Graveyard, and it gains that Monster's effects.
Ultra Rare

CPD1-JP013 The Claw of Hermos 「ヘルモスの爪」
Normal Magic Card
(This card is always treated as "Legendary Dragon Hermos".) You can activate only 1 "The Claw of Hermos" per turn. ①: Send to the Graveyard from your hand or field, 1 Monster that is listed on a Fusion Monster that cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "The Claw of Hermos" (if that card is set, reveal it). Afterwards, Special Summon that 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck.
Super Rare

CPD1-JP016 Lord of the Red 「ロード・オブ・ザ・レッド」
FIRE/Dragon - Ritual - Effect/8/2400/2100
Can be Ritual Summoned with "Red-Eyes Transmigration. ①: Once per turn, when an Effect of a Magic, Trap or Effect Monster Card other than "Lord of the Red" is activated, you can activate this effect by targeting 1 Monster on the field. Destroy that Monster. ②: Once per turn, when an Effect of a Magic, Trap or Effect Monster Card other than "Lord of the Red" is activated, you can activate this effect by targeting 1 Magic or Trap Card on the field. Destroy that Card.
Ultra Rare

CPD1-JP017 Red-Eyes Transmigration 「レッドアイズ・トランスマイグレーション」
Ritual Magic Card
This card is used to Ritual Summon "Lord of the Red". ①: Release Monster in your hand or that you control, whose total Level is 8 or higher, or instead of Releasing, you can remove 1 "Red-Eyes" Monster in your Graveyard from play to Ritual Summon "Lord of the Red" from your hand.

CPD1-JP032 Toon Antique Gear Golem Rare
EARTH/Machine - Toon -Effect/8/3000/3000
①: This card cannot attack during the turn it was Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned or Special Summoned. ②: If you control a "Toon World" and your opponent controls no Toon Monster, this card can attack your opponent directly. ③: If this card attacks, your opponent cannot activate Magic and Trap Cards until the end of the Damage Step. ④: If this card attacks a Defense Position Monster, and its ATK exceeds that Monster's DEF, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent.

CPD1-JP023 Toon Kingdom 「トゥーン・キングダム」
Field Magic Card
①: When this card resolves during activation, remove the 3 cards from the top of your Deck face-down from play. ②: While this card is in the Field Zone, its name is treated as "Toon World". ③: While this card is in the Field Zone, your opponent cannot target Toon Monster you control with card effects. ④: If a Toon Monster you control would be destroyed by battle or a card effect, you can remove 1 card from the top of your deck face-down from play for each Monster that would be destroyed instead.

CPD1-JP004 Mirror Force Dragon 「ミラーフォース・ドラゴン」
LIGHT/Dragon - Fusion - Effect/8/2800/1200
This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "The Fang of Critias" if you send 1 "Mirror Force" from your hand or field to the Graveyard. ①: You can activate this effect when a Monster you control becomes selected as attack target or as target of an opponent's card effect. Destroy all cards your opponent controls.

CPD1-JP003 Death Virus Dragon 「デス・ウイルス・ドラゴン」
DARK/Dragon - Fusion - Effect/1900/1500
This card can only be Special Summoned by sending a "Crush Card Virus" from your hand or your side of to the Graveyard with the effect of "The Fang of Critias". ①:If this card is Special Summoned, check your opponent's hand, all monsters they control, and all cards they draw until the end of your opponent's 3rd turn after this effect's activation, and destroy all monsters with 1500 or more ATK.

CPD1-JP005 Tyrant Burst Dragon 「タイラント・バースト・ドラゴン」
LIGHT/Dragon - Fusion - Effect/8/2900/2500
This card can only be Special Summoned by sending a "Tyrant Wing" from your hand or your side of to the Graveyard with the effect of "The Fang of Critias". ①:This card can attack all monsters your opponent controls once each. ②:You can target 1 monster you control. Equip this monster on the field to that target. It gains 400 ATK and DEF. The monster equipped with this card by this effect can make up to 3 attacks during each Battle Phase.

CPD1-JP007 Tyrant Wing 「タイラント・ウィング」
Normal Trap Card
①:Target 1 Dragon-Type monster on the field. Equip this card to that target, it gains 400 ATK and DEF. ②:The monster equipped with this card by this effect can make up to 2 attacks on monsters during each Battle Phase. ③:During the End Phase, if the monster equipped with this card by this effect attacked an opponent's monster, destroy this card.

CPD1-JP018 Double Magic Arm Bind 「ダブルマジックアームバインド」
Normal Trap Card
①:Tribute 2 monsters, then target 2 face-up monsters your opponent controls; take control of both targets until your End Phase.
Super Rare

CPD1-JP026 Comic Hand 「コミックハンド」
Equip Magic Card
Equip only to a monster your opponent controls while you control "Toon World". ①:Take control of the equipped monster. ②:The equipped monster is treated as a Toon monster, also it can attack your opponent directly, unless they control a Toon monster. ③:This card is destroyed when there is no "Toon World" on the field.

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