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- Abyss Rising (802)
Posted by : Unknown
May 17, 2012
Abyss Rising

Price: 150 Yen (incl. tax)
5 cards per pack, 30 packs per box
Features 80 cards:
- 5 Ultra Rare cards
- 9 Super Rare cards
- 18 Rare cards
- 44 Normal cards
- 4 Normal Rare cards
(The Ultra Rare cards are also available in Ultimate Rare form, and one card in the set is available in Holographic Rare form.)
- A lot of the latest cards from the Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXaL anime
- A well balanced number of cards from the anime as well as brand new, original cards for the OCG.
- New Xyz Monster as well as cards to support their Summoning, cards for already existing themes and cards of a brand-new concept.
- Cover Card is "CNo. 32 Ocean Biting Dragon Shark Drake Vice"
ABYR-JP0?? Tripod Fish 「トライポッド・フィッシュ」
WATER/Fish - Effect/3/300/1300
When this card is successfully Special Summoned from the Graveyard, you can activate this effect by selecting 1 Fish-, Sea-Serpent- or Aqua-Type monster on the field. Increase the selected monsters Level by 1.

Solar Wind Jammer 「太陽風帆船(ソーラーウインドジャマー)」
LIGHT/Machine - Effect/5/800/2400
Effect unconfirmed: If you control no monster, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. The original ATK and DEF of this card Special Summoned this way are halved. This card's Level is increased by 1 during each of your Standby Phases. There can only be 1 "Solar Wind Jammer" face-up on the field at a time.

Planet Pathfinder 「惑星探査車」
(???)/(???) - (???)/4/1000/(???)
Heraldic Beast Bernard's Falcon 「紋章獣ベルナーズ・ファルコン」
WIND/Bird - (???)/4/1000/1600
Heraldic Beast Abercornway 「紋章獣アバコーンウェイ」
WIND/Dragon - Effect/4/1800/900
If this card is in your Graveyard, you can activate this effect by removing from play 1 other "Heraldic Beast Abercornway" from your Graveyard. Select 1 "Heraldic Beast" Monster in your Graveyard and add it to your hand. The effect of "Heraldic Beast Abercornway" can only be used once per turn.

Mermail - Abyss-Gunde 「水精鱗-アビスグンデ」
WATER/Aqua - Effect/3/1400/800
If this card is discarded from your hand to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon 1 "Mermail" Monster from your Graveyard, except a "Mermail - Abyss-Gunde". The effect of "Mermail - Abyss-Gunde" can only be activated once ber turn.

Mermail - Abyss-Hilde 「水精鱗-アビスヒルデ」
WATER/Aqua - Effect/3/1300/400
If this card is sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon 1 "Mermail" Monster from your hand, except a "Mermail - Abyss-Hilde". The effect of "Mermail - Abyss-Hilde" can only be used once per turn.

Mermail - Abyss-Taj 「水精鱗-アビスタージ」
WATER/Fish - Effect/4/1700/1100
When this card is successfully Normal Summoned or Special Summoned, activate this effect by discarding 1 WATER monster from your hand to the Graveyard. Select 1 Level 3 or lower WATER monster in your Graveyard and add it to your hand. The effect of "Mermail - Abyss-Taj" can only be used once per turn.

Mermail - Abyss-Pike 「水精鱗-アビスパイク」
WATER/Fish - Effect/4/1600/800
When this card is successfully Normal Summoned or Special Summoned, activate this effect by discarding 1 WATER monster from your hand to the Graveyard. Add 1 Level 3 WATER monster from the deck to your hand. The effect of "Mermail - Abyss-Pike" can only be used once per turn.

Mermail - Megalo-Abyss 「水精鱗-メガロアビス」
Effect unconfirmed: Activate this effect during your Main Phase. Discard 2 other WATER Monster from your hand to the Graveyard. Special Summon this card from your hand. When this card is successfuly Special Summoned by this effect, you can add 1 "Abyss" Magic or Trap Card from your deck to your hand. Also, by Releasing 1 face-up Attack Position WATER Monster other than this card, this card can attack twice during this turn's Battle Phase.

CNo. 32: Ocean Biting Dragon Shark Drake Vice 「CNo.32 海咬龍シャーク・ドレイク・バイス」
WATER/Sea-Serpent - Xyz - Effect/Rank 4/2800/2100
4x Level 4 WATER Monster
You can also Xyz Summon this card by using a "No.32: Ocean Biting Dragon Shark Drake" you control as the Xyz Material. (Xyz Materials attached to that monster also become Xyz Materials on this card.) If your Life Points are 1000 or lower, you can activate this effect by removing 1 Xyz Material from this card, and removing from play 1 monster in your Graveyard. Select 1 face-up monster on the field, and its ATK and DEF becomes 0 until your End Phase. This effect can be activated during your opponent's turn.
Ultra/Ultimate/Holographic? Rare

ABYR-JP044 No. 9: Canopy Star Dyson Sphere 「No.9 天蓋星ダイソン・スフィア」
LIGHT/Machine - Xyz - Effect/Rank 9/2800/3000
2x Level 9 Monster
You can activate this effect once during the Battle Step this card with Xyz Material(s) is attacked. Negate that attack. When this card without Xyz Material is selected as attack target, you can select 2 Monster in your Graveyard, and place them under this card as Xyz Material. Also, if your opponent controls a monster with higher ATK than this card, by removing 1 Xyz Material from this card during your Main Phase, this card can attack your opponent's Life Points directly during this turn.
Ultra/Ultimate Rare

ABYR-JP045 No. 8: Heraldic King Genome Heriter 「No.8 紋章王ゲノム・ヘリター」
LIGHT/Psychic - Xyz - Effect/Rank 4/2400/1800
2x Level 4 "Heraldic Beast" Monster
Once per turn, you can activate this effect by selecting 1 Xyz Monster your opponent controls. This card is treated as having the same name as the selected monster, and it's ATK becomes the same as that Monster's ATK and it gains that Monster's effect(s). Afterwards, the selected Monster's ATK becomes 0 and it has its effect(s) negated. The effect of this card is applied until the End Phase.
Ultra/Ultimate Rare

Mermail - Gaio-Abyss 「水精鱗-ガイオアビス」
WATER/Aqua - Xyz - Effect/Rank 7/2800/1600
2x Level 7 WATER Monster
While this card with Xyz Material is face-up on the field, Level 5 or higher Monster cannot attack. Also Once per turn, you can activate this effect by removing 1 Xyz Material from this card. Negate the effect of an opponent's Monster with lower ATK than this card until the end of the turn. This effect can also be activated during your opponent's turn.
Ultra/Ultimate Rare

Different Dimension Trench 「異次元海溝」
Continuous Spell Card
When this card is activated, select 1 WATER Monster in your hand, your Graveyard or on your field and remove it from play. Afterwards, when this face-up card on the field is destroyed, Special Summon that Monster to your field.

Tannhäuser Gate 「タンホイザーゲート」
Normal Magic Card
Effect unconfirmed: Activate by selecting 2 Monster you control with 1000 ATK or less and the same Type. The Level of the selected Monsters becomes the sum of selected monster's respective Levels.

High Medallion Arts 「高等紋章術(ハイ・メダリオン・アーツ)」
Normal Magic Card
Activate by selecting 2 "Heraldic Beast" Monster in your Graveyard. Special Summon the 2 selected monster, and Xyz Summon 1 Xyz Monster with exactly those 2 monster as Xyz Materials.

Abyss-Scale - Kraken 「アビスケイル-クラーケン」
Equip Magic Card
Effect unconfirmed: Equip only to a "Mermail" Monster. The equipped monster gains 400 ATK. [Negate the activation of an opponent Effect Monster's effect and destroy it. Afterwards, destroy this card.

Forgotten Capital Lemuria 「忘却の都 レミューリア」
Field Magic Card
Effect unconfirmed: This card's name is treated as "Umi". WATER Monster on the field gain 200 ATK and DEF. Also once per turn, you can activate this effect during your Main Phase.While this card is on the field, until your End Phase, the Level of WATER Monster you control is increased by the number of WATER Monster you control.

Bubble Bringer 「バブル・ブリンガー」
Continuous Trap Card
While this card is face-up on the field, Level 4 or higher monsters cannot direct attack. By sending this face-up card you control to the Graveyard during your own turn, you can select 2 Level 3 or lower WATER monster with the same name in your Graveyard and Special Summon them. The effect(s) of the monsters Special Summoned by this effect are negated.

Abyss-Squall 「アビスコール」
Normal Trap Card
Effect unconfirmed: Special Summon 3 "Mermail" Monster in your Graveyard into face-up Defense Position. Monsters Special Summoned by this effect have their effects negated, cannot declare an attack, and are destroyed during the End Phase.

Abyss-Sphere 「アビスフィアー」
Continuous Trap Card
Special Summon 1 "Mermail" Monster from your Deck. The monster Special Summoned by this effect has its effect(s) negated. While this card is face-up on the field, you cannot activate Magic Cards. When this card is removed from the field, destroy that monster. After activation, destroy this card during your opponent's next End Phase.

Abyss-Strom 「アビストローム」
Normal Trap Card
Activate by sending 1 "Umi" you control to the Graveyard. Send all Magic and Trap Cards on the field to the Graveyard.

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