
Posted by : Unknown Dec 10, 2010

Attention all Yu-Gi-Oh! fans, 14 and under! A new season of the Duelist League is about to begin! The Duelist League gives rising Duelists the opportunity to hone their Dueling skills, all while winning popular cards in brand new rarities.
Each card given out in the new Duelist League season will be from the new Duelist League 2set, and its name will be stamped in 1 of 4 new special colors – purple, red, green, or blue. An improved color-stamping technique was used on these new cards in order to make the 4 colors more vibrant than their Duelist League 1 counterparts. Everyone who enters the Duelist League will get 1 of these Duelist League 2 promo cards.
Duelist League 2 contains classic favorites like Exodia and the Dark Magician, as well as popular tournament cards like Icarus Attack, Blackwing – Kalut the Moon Shadow, andThought Ruler Archfiend. It even has some of the oldest Gravekeeper’s cards, including Royal Tribute and Gravekeeper’s Spy, which you can use to boost the strength of your competitive Gravekeeper’s Deck or your Structure Deck: Marik.
Here’s how the Duelist League works:
Each competitor starts with 3 Duelist Ticket Cards when he or she enters the tournament. These are like the “Locator Cards” in Kaiba’s Battle City Tournament – the more Duelist Ticket Cards you have, the better you’re doing. You have 2 hours to acquire 5 Duelist Ticket Cards. As soon as you get 5 Duelist Ticket Cards, you can pick any rare card from the selection ofDuelist League 2 cards available, and keep that card for your collection.
To get 5 Duelist Ticket Cards, you’ll have to defeat other Duelists in the League. You can challenge any other competitor in the League to a Duel. Whoever loses that Duel hands 1 Duelist Ticket Card over to the winner. At the end of 2 hours, any Duelist with at least 1 Duelist Ticket Card remaining gets to choose a rare Duelist League 2 card to add to his or her collection.
Duelists who have more Duelist Ticket Cards at the end of 2 hours get to choose their card first, so the more you win, the more likely you’ll get your favorite card. But don’t worry if you lose all of your Duelist Ticket Cards to other players – as soon as that happens, you’ll get 1 random card from Duelist League 2. Since you’ll get that card before any of the Duelists that still have Duelist Ticket Cards pick their card, there’s a chance that you’ll even end up with the rare card that all of the other Duelists are coveting!
The Duelist League is a great place for young Duelists to relax, make friends, and practice Dueling, all while gathering some rare cards. If you’re 14 years old or younger, check here to find a Duelist League near you!

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